Friday, March 23, 2007

A little snow/rain never stopped BTCV before...

My heart sank a little yesterday morning when I saw that there was white stuff falling from the sky because the previous day I had volunteered to go out with this conservation group for a day of work. I phoned in to check if they were still planning on going ('yes'), and then pulled on many, many layers and set of to the woods named Leg 'o Mutton...

I ended up having a great day! Despite the dubious sounding name of the place (I have no idea why it's called that!) it's a pretty little nature reserve with a lot of birds. We saw one white swan, gleaming in all the grey, sat on its nest in the water. It never quite cleared up but the it did stop snow/raining and we were busy enough working to keep warm. We spent the day dead fencing or creating a fence along the path to help keep dogs away from the sensitive nesting area. It was a lot of weaving of long branches along some stakes and eight of us working managed a good long stretch despite not quite finishing what we aimed for.

I valued spending a day outside (about five 1/2 hours) doing physical work as it is a change. Although I can tell it is rare thing as my body is slightly aching! I only got one blister which I think is good going... After years of volunteering in youth work projects I'm finally getting around to volunteering for environmental/conservation projects. It's such a catch-22 situation: you need the experience to get work but can't get the experience because you need to work! One woman I was working alongside has given up her fulltime work as a lawyer to do a 6 months/4 days a week volunteer position with the organisation.

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