Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Australia Day

Last night HM1 & 2, and myself went to an Australia Day barbeque. The only thing is: it wasn't Australia Day (that was on the 26th). It wasn't a bbq - more like grilling food in the kitchen. And our hosts had no real connection to Australia.

Brilliant excuse for a party! Hats off to that!

My very social weekend also included sitting outside (!) on Sunday for about three hours. Quite impressive in January even if I say so myself. The sunshine was lovely and the lunch and red wine and company were too. I was frozen by sundown, but it was worth it.


Liz Hinds said...

What a great reason for a party indeed! I hope you all talked about Neighbours at least!

Back to the grey and damp today.

fools' cap said...

No Neighbours but there was a ridiculous amount of Kylie playing...